USACO Gold February 2014

In the problem Roadblock from USACO Gold February 2014, we are asked to sabatoge Farmer John’s commute to his barn by rolling a single haybale onto a path, doubling the time it takes to traverse that path.

The question is, which path do we sabatoge to maximize the amount of time by which Farmer John’s most optimal route is lengthened.

We can use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to find Farmer John’s original optimal path.
However, we need to figure out which path to sabatage.

An obvious solution is to use brute force by selecting an edge, doubling its weight, then using Dijkstra’s Algorithm to compute the new optimal path. We repeat the process for all M edges.

Unfortunately, this solution is too slow. Since Dijkstra’s is O(MlogN), this brute force solution works in O(M^2logN), which is too slow in this situation.

However, notice that if we sabatoge an edge that is not on Farmer John’s original path, Farmer John can just take that same path with no additional cost, resulting in a difference of 0.

Thus, we should only sabatoge edges that are in Farmer John’s original path. There are O(N) such edges.
Now, we can use a brute force algorithm to test every edge on Farmer Jonh’s path. This gives us an algorithm running in O(NMlogN) time, which is fast enough for a competitive programming situation.

Written on June 28, 2018